Wind it up Ep.8 – Brian De La Torre

By Splinter_
Wind it up Ep.8 - Brian De La Torre

Videoparts selected by who really knows πŸ“š

Jake Rupp – Static [1999]

β€œYeah so, this is a really tough question. There are a few parts and videos that have really impacted my skating during different eras.
But I’m down to take it back to when I was a kid.
I grew in south Florida watching the Static series. There were always Miami spots in there heads that lived here that were in the vid. Always inspired me, being able to watch some of these dudes rip in front of me. But, the one part that I go back to and watch to this day is, Jacob Rupp’s surprise part at the end of Static one. His style, popping Nollie and SW over everything. So raw and powerful. I could relate to his skating a lot. Plus, that Cheb I Sabbah sound track worked so well with his skating. This whole video was a big one for me amongst a few others. Shout out to Josh and Jake. Thanks for the inspo over the years.”

Thank you Brian!

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